Data auditing is a system that tracks changes to tables' contents over time. PostgreSQL has a robust set of features which we can leverage to create a generic auditing solution in 150 lines of SQL.
Auditing is particularly useful for historical analysis. To demonstrate, imagine you have a users
table that tracks when a user is online.
You might add a status
column which can have one of two values: online
and offline
. How would you track how long a user is online for throughout an entire month?
An auditing system would track every change with timestamps, and so you can measure the difference between each timestamp and sum them up for the entire month.
The goals of our auditing solution are:
- low maintenance
- easy to use
- fast to query
To demonstrate what we're working towards, the following example shows what we'll have at the end of the blog post:
Produce some records to audit
Review the audit log
Notice that our record_id
and old_record_id
stayed constant as we updated the row so we can easily query for a single row's history over time!
Lets get building
To quote a tenet from the zen of python:
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
So first things first, we'll create a separate schema named audit
to house our auditing entities.
Next, we need a table to track inserts, updates and deletes.
Classically, an audit table's schema mirrors the table being audited and appends some metadata columns like the commit's timestamp. That solution has a few maintenance challenges:
- enabling auditing on a table requires a database migration
- when the source table's schema changes, the audit table's schema must also change
So instead, we'll lean on PostgreSQL's schema-less JSONB
data type to store each record's data in a single column.
That approach has the added benefit of allowing us to store multiple tables' audit history in a single audit table.
Postgres version compatibility
The table above uses PostgreSQL's built-in uuid functionality, which is available from version 14. For backwards compatibility you can use the uuid-ossp extension.
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
Query Patterns
An audit log doesn't do us much good if its too slow to query! There are 2 query patterns we think are table stakes (😉) for an audit system:
Changes to a Table in a Time Range
For time slices, we need an index on the ts
column. Since the table is append-only and the ts
column is populated by insertion date, our values for ts
are naturally in ascending order.
PostgreSQL's builtin BRIN index can leverage that correlation between value and physical location to produce an index that, at scale, is many hundreds of times smaller than the default (BTREE index) with faster lookup times.
For table filtering, we've included a table_oid
column which tracks PostgreSQL's internal numeric table identifier. We can add an index to this column instead of the table_schema
and table_name
columns, minimizing the index size and offering better performance.
Changes to a Record Over Time
One of the downsides to storing each row's data as jsonb
is that filtering based on a column's value becomes very inefficient. If we want to look up a row's history quickly, we need to extract and index a unique identifier for each row.
For the globally unique identifier, we'll use the following structure
and hash that array as a UUID v5 to get an efficiently indexable UUID type to identify the row that is robust to data changes.
We'll use one utility function to lookup a record's primary key column names:
and another to consume the table_oid
and primary key, converting the result into the record's UUID.
Finally, we index the record_id
and old_record_id
columns that contain these unique identifiers for fast querying.
Okay, so we have a home for our audit data that we're confident it can be queried efficiently. Now how do we populate it?
We need the audit table to populate without end-users making any changes to their transactions. So we'll set up a trigger to fire when the data changes. In this case, we'll fire the trigger once for every inserted/updated/deleted row.
Public API
Finally, we'll wrap up the trigger creation and removal process behind a clean, idempotent, user facing API.
The API we'll expose for enabling auditing on a table is
and for disabling tracking
Under the hood, those functions register our auditing trigger against the requested table.
And we're done with 2 lines of code to spare!
Auditing tables always reduces throughput of inserts, updates, and deletes. In cases where throughput is less than 1000 writes per second the overhead is typically negligible. For tables with a higher write frequency, consider logging changes outside of SQL with a tool like pgAudit.
Do I really expect you to copy/paste all that?
Nope, for a turnkey solution to auditing in PostgreSQL, we've packaged this script into an extension with some extra goodies like TRUNCATE
support. Check it out at https://github.com/supabase/supa_audit.